Friday, 27 September 2013

Project 10 - Stage 1 and 2 - A Design Project

I have to be honest and say that I really struggled with this project, it's been quite a journey and what I've ended up with is nothing like what I began.  I started 4 different projects and became disenchanted with the first three very quickly.  I lost my original theme book in a small kitchen flood and it was overall quite a traumatic project for me.

Stage 1

Reviewing all the work that I have done so far reminded me of all the things I have loved doing since I began this course.  The things that were foremost in my mind after sorting through all the work were:-

the watercolour, bleach and salt effect from Project 1
the French knot exercises from Project 2
the yo-yo puff fabric manipulation from Project 6
the needle felted nodules from Project 9

Stage 2

Theme book inspiration can be found here.

The more I researched the family of cryptogams the more I fell in love with really strange ones, the slime moulds and the alien looking fungi, and especially those that were in outlandish colours, wonderful pinks and purples, even blues.

I was thinking of some of the things that I'd found inspiring over the duration of the course, the beautiful biotopes of Amy Gross, the incredible imagined worlds of Pip & Pop and the breathtaking fabric sculptures of Mr Finch.  This led me to the thought of creating a small secret world or cryptogams.

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